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Around the World

Around the World!

For our last half-term of Year 6 we are fitting in as much excellent learning as possible!


In our English work we will be focussing on a variety of difference text types and purposes. This will build on the different forms of writing that the children have learnt and created this year. 


In maths we will be focusing on problem solving and projects within our maths lessons. Children will have the opportunity to explore maths problems in groups, justifying reasoning, explaining their answers and showing off their critical thinking skills. Skills learnt throughout the year will be revisited and challenged.


We will be making the most of the sunshine - hopefully - with rounders and cricket will be the focus this half-term. Children will be building on skills learnt throughout their time at school: throwing, catching, fielding and excellent teamwork. The focus will be on learning skills to help improve accuracy, communication, and speed when fielding.


We will be finishing off the term with out school production and a parents exhibition of all of their fantastic work created over the school year!
