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Spring 2: Groovy Growth

Groovy Growth


We have a super exciting term ahead of us.

This term we will be looking at groovy growth with a key focus on how plants grow and their pollinators. To help us with this we will have a special guest visitor who will be coming in to see Griffin class during March to help teach us all about identifying trees and the key features we can look out for.

We will also be having a go at planting our own, tomatoes, sunflowers, broad beans and a selection of flowers to help attract bees and butterflies to our garden.

We hope you will be able to join us at our class fundraiser towards the end of this term where you will be invited to buy the plants we have grown.

Start saving those pennies now!

World Book Day 2023

A big thank you for all your amazing costumes. We had a lovely world book day and enjoyed lots of class discussion around our favourite stories with fun activities. Not to mention a jam packed assembly!
