Some highlights from our Groovy Greek Autumn term 1
English and history
This term we have read Who Let the Gods out to inspire our newspaper article writing. We then wrote a non-chronological ‘double page spread’ report about the Ancient Greeks following our fantastic learning in history. We used BBC Bitesize and the British Museum to help us research our chosen subjects. These are proudly being displayed in the hall as part of our class display.
Some examples of our reports :
In maths the children worked hard on our Year 5 place value and addition and subtraction. We also started focusing on our times-tables with division facts as this links with so much of the maths that we are going to be learning eg multiples and fractions.
In science we have been learning about properties of materials and learning some special key vocabulary e.g. opaque, conductor and insulator. In these photographs, we ‘felt’ items and discussed their properties without being able to see them. We also conducted an experiment as we wanted to know what material would make a great lunch box. We decided that a metal lunch box would be the least useful as the ice on the metal spoon melted first (we realised that the metal spoon conducted the cold the quickest).
The children started making music with their brass instruments. We hope that you can hear the progress at home!
I feel privileged to take your children swimming every week. It is fantastic to see the children making really good progress and seeing their confidence grow. We have also be learning about Tag Rugby and learning terms such as a pop pass and making a diamond formation.
In art, the children have been studying Kara Walker and learning what inspired her as a young girl. She is famous for producing art in the form of silhouettes. We linked our art work to our history and made some wonderful Greek God silhouettes.