How fast time has flown by, this is your final term as Year 1's. This term you will find out about your new class and teacher, and spend a couple of mornings getting to know them.
In this last term you will be having fun learning tennis, seeing your completed RAF 100 pottery ( and taking it home at the end of term), participating in sports day, eating a 'Big Breakfast' for Fathers day, picnicking on the field, playing games at the Summer Fair, and experiencing lots of different aspects of the RAF on Camo day.
Of course we need to fit some learning in-between all these amazing activities. Our Topic is Time Travellers. We will be travelling back through History , learning about how Britain has changed. We will be researching The Great Fire of London and finding more about how we prevent and fight fires today compared with how fires were fought in the 17th century. Linked to our topic we will be writing diaries (inspired by Samuel Pepys), baking bread ( like Thomas Farynor) and making houses in the style of Pudding Lane using Junk modelling. In P.E we are going to see different dances from different decades and practice one which we will perform on Sports day!
We are also off on our school trip to Cogges Manor on the 11th June where we will be experiencing Victorian England.
As always in Year 1, this is a busy term, and it looks like it will be the best yet ! Keep checking this page for photos.