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Term 5 Castles and Knights

Our topic this term is called  Knights and Castles

During this topic we will be learning ;
·         Why castles were built.
·         Where we can find castles.
·         Who lived in castles.
·         What weapons were used to defend castles.
·         What knights were for.
·         What knights wore.
·         About dragons and their stories and myths.
All these questions were created by the children!
In English this term, we will be;
·         Finding out about traditional tales.
·         Using drama to help us learn some stories
·         Planning and writing our own stories, using the information we find in our topic.
·         Using our targets to help us improve our writing further.
In Maths this term, we will be learning to;
·         Answer a question by recording information in lists and tables; present outcomes using practical resources, pictures, block graphs or pictograms
·         Use diagrams to sort objects into groups according to a given criterion; suggest a different criterion for grouping the same objects
·         Estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitable uniform non-standard or standard units and measuring instruments (e.g. a lever balance, metre stick or measuring jug)
Other activities that we are doing this term are:
In PE we will be learning some gymnastics and some dance.
In ICT we will be using a programme to help us organise our data.
We are hoping for another trip this term. Keep checking the newsletter for more details.
Home work!!
Well done to everyone for remembering your maths homework in term 4!
Please remember spellings are given Wednesdays for spelling test on the following Monday.
Maths is given on Wednesday and must be returned by Friday.
Reading is an on-going commitment, and is so important-please keep at it!