This term our topic is called 'under the sea'
In English this term, we will be focusing on;
Using our senses to create poems. Children will use their senses to help them describe objects which they will then put into poems using similes.
Pattern and rhyme to create poems. Children will develop and use their rhyming and pattern knowledge to create poems about our topic ‘under the sea’
Stories from familiar settings
Children will develop and use their story knowledge to create their own story about under the sea creatures. We will use the ‘snail and the whale’ story as a starting point
As a apart of English children will start to self and peer assess their work to encourage them to take ownership of their learning.
In Maths this term, we will be learning to;
Children will be focussing on the written form of numbers as well as the figure of a number.
Children will be looking at subtracting this term and using this subtracting knowledge to aid their investigations.
Children will be taking part in lots of investigations to build their skills and help them to become more independent in their learning.
Your child will bring home a piece of maths homework each Wednesday
Our topic this term is called ‘under the sea’
During this topic we will be learning ; -
What animals live under the sea?
Where different animals live under the sea
About different seas across the globe
Experimenting with hot and cold, floating and sinking, salt water
How to dance in PE
Listening to different under the sea music
How to sketch
Home work!
Reading daily
Spellings weekly
To create an under the sea creature for display in the classroom, please bring this in during week 3