Home Page

Griffin - Year 1

Welcome to

Griffin Class!


Teacher: Mrs McLauchlan

Teaching Assistants: (am) Mrs Thornton & Mrs Laidlaw;

(pm) Mrs Stokel / Mrs Pring, and Mrs Clarke / Mrs Wallace 

Planning: Mrs Walshe

Forest School: Mrs Thornton


We have an amazing year ahead of us in Griffin Class, with lots of fabulous topics to inspire our learning of new skills and subjects. Updates on our work and activities will be posted here to share at home.


Key information:


Reading: Please try to spend 10 minutes a day reading to, or with, your child. Let us know the reading you are doing by tracking it in your Reading Record. Reading at home helps to develop a love of books and reading and increases your child’s vocabulary confidence. Encourage your child to read independently and use their phonetic knowledge to decode as you share reading time together.

We read in class too, so please ensure your child’s Reading Record comes to school each day.

The Oxford Owls website has a comprehensive collection of free online e-books, including phonics reading books.


Drink & Snack: Please bring a water bottle in every day. At morning breaktime, we encourage the children to partake in a free healthy fruit snack, such as a pear, apple, carrot or banana. 


PE Kits: Please send your child’s full PE kit to school on Monday, and take home on a Friday. Occasionally, the timetabling for PE and physical activities may change, for example to accommodate weather conditions. Please ensure that all PE kit is named and if possible, provide spare pants, socks and/or tights. In the event of an emergency or over-enthusiastic water investigation, this will help us to make your child more comfortable in school time.


The Year 1 team are very excited to meet you all and to get started on our learning journey together. We really value the chance to share your thoughts, celebrations and concerns. However, with the continued COVID situation, we ask that you make an appointment if it is more than a quick question at school drop-off or collection. You can also make contact by email via the School Office. If there is an issue that we need to discuss further, the teacher will phone after 3:30pm on the same day wherever possible, using the contact number left with the Office. 

Welcome to Year 1 information evening
