Good morning Year 6, I have some super exciting news for you!
So before I set the work for today, I have been in touch with the actual Author of Black Powder - I emailed her and got a reply!!! She has very kindly allowed us to continue reading the book as audio whilst we are home learning (more about this a bit later on).
Look at the lovely email she sent me yesterday.....
I for one cannot believe I am actually talking to an author!!!!
So I have an additional little task for you to do today - don't worry it won't take long - could you please send me 2 or three lines to say thank you to Ally Sherrick for allowing us to continue reading this AND where we are up to so far And what has been your favourite bit so far.
Please do this as a letter so Dear Ally Sherrick,
Your sentences
Best wishes,
and then your name.
If your parents could send it to the homelearning email address that would be FABULOUS!
I will be sending her an email this evening with all of your lovely letters. I'm very excited!!
So back to the normal home learning.
Your maths for today is a revision worksheet on BODMAS.
This is going to help you with the work for tomorrow as well.
The worksheet is below.
And finally, topic for today has been set to you on PurpleMash it is to create an Alien Profile. This is a chance to have some fun and create your own Alien.
Have fun Year 6. Look forward to getting some of your letters to Ally Sherrick.