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Puma - Year 3

Welcome to Puma Class! 



Teacher: Miss Trewavas 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Davies


We are so excited to welcome you back to school in Year 3. We are going to have a fantastic year filled with learning and fun! 


Important information:


Drink and snack

Please bring a named water bottle every day. As you are now in KS2, and because the tuck shop is currently closed, you will have to bring your own healthy morning snack (fruit , vegetable, cheese or yoghurt).


PE Kits

Make sure you bring your named PE kit (including PE shoes) with you every Monday and keep it in school all week in case PE days change or we have special events. We are trying to do as much outdoor PE as we can so you might like to bring some warmer kit for the colder days! 



Please make sure you are reading every day for 10-15 minutes and mark this down in your reading records for us to take a look at and count up for our class competition between the houses. We will be doing lots of reading at school too so bring your reading record every day. 








Adults, if you have any questions we would be more than happy to speak with you. At the moment, if it is more than a quick message, we ask you to arrange an appointment with the school office for before or after school. If there are any issues we need to discuss with you, we will phone you at 3.30pm on the same day. 



