Below are some quotes from when we have reflected on our learning and what we think of our leaning this term.....
"This term I have been learning about Neil Armstrong. We did actions to remember the chronological order of Neil Armstrong's life and then we wrote a biography" (Finley, December 2015)
"This term I learnt in swimming that you can turn over very quickly and float by doing a star float. It was fun" (William, December 2015)
"In Maths we have learnt about decimals. What I like about decimals is that it is very challenging" (Dillon, December 2015)
"I have enjoyed learning about Maths especially fractions. Basically the more maths I learn the better I will become at my job" (Madison, December 2015)
"On 3rd November my class had a Space Day, including learning about the Space Race and Cold War. On the bottom of our chairs we either had a USA flag or a Soviet Union flag. Whoever had a USA flag went to one side of the classroom and whoever had a Soviet Union sat on the other side. In every task we did we had to try and beat the other team". (Maisie, December 2015)
"In ICT we have been using Scratch and making scenes about us going to Space, I learnt how to move characters around and I enjoyed adding sound to my game" (Jessica, December 2015)