We are very excited to welcome you to Puma class this year as we have lots of exciting topics and activities planned which we hope you will enjoy.
Please keep an eye on our class page throughout the year for updates on what we’ve been up to each term.
Some key information for you to know:
Reading: We recommend reading at home for at least 10 minutes per day and would ask that you please mark this in your home Reading Record. This way, if you are having difficulties, we know how to help you. Our expectations is for there to be 5 entries in your reading record each week. We read in class too, so make sure Reading Records and books are in your bag each day.
Drink and Snack: Please bring a water bottle in every day and a healthy snack to have at break time. This could be a small yoghurt, piece of fruit or some cheese.
PE Kits: Please bring your full kit in on a Monday and take it home again on a Friday. PE and physical activities can change days according to weather etc, so having your kit in all week is the only way of being sure to have it at the right time.
Spellings: As well as different spelling rules, we will be learning the Common Exception words for Year 3 this year, which can be located in the centre of your Reading Records. When you are tested each term, the words you spelt correctly will be highlighted. Please spend some time practicing then ones you have got wrong at home.
Remember, we are always happy to talk to mums, dads and carers at drop-off or pick-up. However, we ask that you make an appointment if it is more than just a quick question. You can also contact us through the school office. If there is an issue that we need to discuss with you, the teacher will phone you after 3.30pm on that day.