This term the topic is called 'Vicious Victorians'. Children will learn about what it was like during the Victorian times.
In English this term, we will be learning:
- How to write recounts
- Children will investigate the features of recounts
- Children will look at life in Victorian times and recount events
- Children will be using time connective words
In Maths this term, we will be learning to:
- Revise converting 12-hour clock times to 24-hour clock times.
- Find a time a given number of minutes or hours and minutes later
- Calculate time intervals using 24-hour clock format Measure lengths in mm and convert to cm
- Find perimeters in cm and convert cm to m
- Solve subtraction using a written method for 3-digit − 3-digit numbers and for 4-digit numbers
- Use counting up as a strategy to perform mental subtraction
- Find change from a multiple of ten pounds using counting up
During this topic we will be learning:
- When was the Victorian period and why is it called that?
- To place key events within the Victorian period.
- To look at Victorian pictures and work out / imagine what the people are doing / thinking.
- About Victorian schools.
- What it was like to go to work as a child.
Other activities that we are doing this term are:
Mathletics - all your children should now have their login - great for basic skills and topic based practise and fun.
Big breakfast
Learn with your child week
Children will receive English homework every Monday which is due on the following Wednesday.
Children will receive Maths homework every Wednesday which is due on the following Friday.
Children will receive a Spelling pattern every Monday and are required to use that pattern to generate their own list of spelling words. Together with the rest of the group a list of words will be put together and sent home on the following Wednesday. These words will be tested on the following Monday.
Children are expected to read at home for 10-15 minutes per day. Children in year 5 are going to be taking part in a reading competition. Every time a child has a slot filled in their reading record they will receive a sticker, for every 5 stickers they will get a prize!
Topic – Presentation to the class. Research ‘The Victorians’ and present that information to the rest of the class. Children may choose to present this in any format.
Here are a few examples
Word processed documents,
Power point
Thank you for your continued co-operation.