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Friday 1st May

Calling all Year 6's!! Important Black Powder update

As you are all aware I have been talking with Ally Sherrick (author of Black Powder) and she was so grateful for the lovely messages some of you sent.

She would like to send you all a video SO if you could send in some questions for her about the story SO FAR or about being an author please send them into the HOMELEARNING email address today.


Good morning Year 6. 




So Maths for today is on this website:  it is problem solving so there may be more than one answer. 


English has been assigned to you on Purple Mash. 


And topic - can you create some fantastic posters of what you have learnt so far on SPACE please. 


I hope you all have a lovely weekend. :)

Have a look at some of these fantastic pieces of work from Jessica, Olivia, Misha, Skye M, Skye H, Max, Hayden, Paige, Alorla and Ryan.
