Welcome Back.
As most of you are aware, Term 6 is a little different for Year 2 as we will be tying up a few loose ends in order to finish our 'Things That Go Bump In The Night' topic. Over the next couple of weeks, the children will be doing their best writing, using all the skills we have worked on this year and drawing upon the knowledge of this topic for their content.
All the children will also be given the chance to do a short talk for their class-mates about something they have learned. They should have a multitude of ideas after our fabulous trip to Cotswold Wildlife Park!
I would like to thank everyone for their topics this term. As always, the standard has been high and the children have produced interesting and creative work. Well done !
(Well done too to all the mums, dads, and grandparents who also worked so hard!)
More news about our Term 6 topic- 'Island Castaways' will be posted soon, but in the meantime if the children have ever visited an island and have pictures or postcards, please bring them in as we begin to build our island display.