Welcome to Puma Class's Homepage!
Who is on the Year 3 team?
Mr Hopkinson is the class teacher in Year 3 this year and will be joined by Mrs Hill and Mrs McCrindle in the mornings and by Mrs Moy in the afternoons.
Important Information!
Please bring a P.E. kit in on a Monday and then returned home on a Friday.
All homework is handed out on a Monday and is to be returned on a Thursday.
You will be given English, Maths and Spellings. Please take some time to look through the homework early enough in the week so if child or adult is in anyway unsure about the tasks set, there is time for us to support. Please communicate any difficulties with the adults in Puma by arranging to meet with us before or after school or by writing us a note. We are more than happy to help!
Read for at least 10 minutes per day and mark this in your home reading record, this way if you are having difficulties, we know how to help you. We read in class too so make sure reading records and books are in your bag each day.