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Historical Heritage

Welcome back to school for the Summer Term!


Our topic this half term is Historical Heritage, as we will be learning about the Anglo Saxons in History. Alongside this, we will be reading ‘The Winter of the Wolves’ by Tony Bradman in English. This will allow the children the opportunity to learn more about life as an Anglo-Saxon, as well as develop their vocabulary linked to this topic.  Our focus in English will be on playscripts and persuasion.


We also have the exciting trip to the Hill End Centre later in the term, where children will explore and learn more about the Anglo Saxons!  Check back later in the term to see how the children got on with their Anglo Saxon learning and to see pictures of the trip.


For more information, please see the Topic Web and Knowledge Organiser below.

A reminder to also please continue reading daily at home with your child for at least 10-15 minutes and a parent/carer to mark this in their reading record.

