This Term our topic is Jack and the Beanstalk.
This term starting from 23rd April we will be having swimming lessons on a Thursday morning so please remember to bring your swimming kits.
This term we will be reading James and the Giant Peach and we looking into different aspects of the story and have a class debate as well as looking at the importance of playwriting. We will be focusing on our nouns and pronouns agreeing in sentences and analysing pieces of work.
This term in Maths we will be learning to :
· Multiply numbers between 10 and 25 by 1-digit numbers using the grid method.
· Subtract fractions
· Multiply by 2,3,4,5 and 8.
· Double and half numbers to 100 by partitioning.
· Solve 3 Digit subtractions.
· Draw and interpret bar charts and pictograms.
In science this term we will mainly look at plants and the process of growing. We will be planting our own beanstalks and investigating the best conditions for them to grow paying particular attention to the plant lifecycle. We will also be looking at rocks and fossils and how they are formed.