Here are some useful websites for number formation practice
You will need to be able to recognise, write and order numbers to 20 by the end of the reception year so it will be good for you to practise these everyday. Print out some number cards. Cut them up and play games with them. Good games to play are: Which one is missing ? Can you find the number that is 2 more/2 less ? Can you find ( pick up a card from the pile) many (insert chosen object ) ? Can you build a tower with ...... blocks ?
It is also a good idea to learn as many number facts as you can to help with solving problems.
There are so many fun activities or experiments you can do at home using units of measurement. With your adult's help you can measure how tall your soft toys are or see how far your favourite car or train can travel. It will be really helpful if you can learn to tell the time using O'clock and Half Past. Perhaps you can write a timetable of the activities you would like to do each day or make a clock using a paper plate. There are many songs available on Youtube that will help you learn the days of the week and the months of the year. See if you can learn to write them too. When it is bath time, ask your adult to give you some plastic jugs and clean, rinsed-out plastic containers and see how many plastic cups of water it takes to fill them.