Last term we studied really hard for our SATS. It was worth it as we felt well prepared for them and they went really quickly - and we got toast every day!
This term we are learning about The Olympics!!
We will be covering:
- The history of the modern Olympics
- Personal project on a sport and an athlete in that sport
- How did London win the 2012 bid?
- Where are the sites and why?
- Which athletes are likely medal winners?
Other activities that we are doing this term are:
Cycling proficiency
School Play - dress rehearsal 2pm Friday 6th July, performances 2pm and 6.30pm Monday 9th July.
ICC Buddy Program - 1st 4 Wednesdays of term 2.30pm - 3.30pm
Camo Day Friday 29th June KS2 pm.
Leavers' Party TBC
Leavers' Assembly - Friday 20th July 2.15pm
Mathletics - all your children should now have their login - great for basic skills and topic based practise and fun.
Have you seen the
Kids' Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!