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Autumn 1: Explorers




This term in our 'Explorer' topic we will be taking adventures into History to learn about famous explorers Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong. Children will compare their journeys and the impact that they made. They will then use drama to become explorers themselves and go on an imagined expedition to the Antarctic. 




In Geography we will be developing our map and compass directions skills, to identify countries and seas around the world and to plot journeys for our own adventures. Children will learn about different geographical features and will explore the differences between the UK and Kenya. 



Our Art lessons this year we be focused on African art, looking at native artists as well as using the amazing African animals as inspiration for our own work.



Children will delve further into the Kenyan culture by listening to and reproducing traditional African music. We will be using percussion instruments and making our own to use in our performances. 


Let the adventure begin! 
