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Chinook - Year 6

Chinook Class



Welcome to the Chinook class page!

We are very excited to welcome you all back to school after the summer break. We have a wonderful and exciting year ahead filled with new topics and inspiring learning - we hope you're ready!


Staff in Year 6 this year:

Class Teacher – Mrs. Meldon

Teaching Assistants – Mrs McCrindle (AM) and Mrs Davies (PM).



Research tells us that children should still read with an adult on challenging but enjoyable texts every week. Year 6 have been sent home with a reading record book with spaces to sign each time they read at home. We recommend that children spend 15-20 minutes reading daily to embed these skills and we will be checking your child's reading log regularly. We would also ask that, if you are able to, you ask your child questions about the text to ensure that they understand what they are reading. This will enable your child to further develop their comprehension skills. Skills which are vitally important in helping to understand and decode the world around us.


Drink and snack

Hydration is key for your body and its organs so we would like all children to have a water bottle in class (this can be used for lunch too) to have regular access to water throughout the day. Please make sure your child comes to school with their daily break-time snack to re-energise and increase focus in their lessons.


PE Kits and Clothing

PE kits need to be in school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday to be washed. Please make sure ALL of your child’s clothing has a CLEAR name written/sewn/ironed onto. It is much easier to locate if it goes missing.


Spellings and handwriting

These will be carried out each day – with children recapping statuary spellings from year 3 and 4 and building on known spelling rules to create a basis for learning and retaining the year 5 and 6 statuary spellings. Within their reading diaries, you will find a list of these spellings that we will highlight once your child is able to spell them from memory. Handwriting practice is something that

will help your child attain their pen license – something we know is a big goal for many of the children this year.


How you can help your child:

There are some fantastic websites that help children to either revise main concepts or to speed up their maths mental recall. Why not try these for starters: Time Tables Rocks Stars – Place Value - Times Tables Games -


