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Term 2 'The Royal Air Force'

Our topic this term is called ‘RAF’
Children showed a particular interest in the RAF and finding out what it entails.
During this topic we will be learning about;
Different roles in the RAF
Different transports within the RAF
How the RAF protect and serve
Some questions that the children will be answering:
What transport is used?
What jobs do our parents do?
What are the roles of different people?
In English this term, we will be learning about:
·        Labels and Captions- we will be using our knowledge from term 1 to label and write captions for different things in the RAF
·        Information texts – We will be looking at the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts. We will also be looking at asking and answering questions and where we would get information from. The children will be working on making an information book about the RAF for display in the library.
In Maths this term, we will be learning to;
·        Consolidate our counting up to 100
·        Consolidate our number recognition and formation
·        Comparing
·        Measuring
·        Sorting shapes
·        Patterns
·        Problem solving

Other activities that we are doing this term are:
A possible trip out to see the helicopters. Please keep an eye on letters in your child’s bag for more details.
Various talks from different parents about their jobs in the air force.