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Spring Term 2 - Help Paddington Home

Help Paddington Home

Welcome back Miss Hearmon!

Welcome back, Year 4!


We hope you had a wonderful Half term and that you are refreshed and ready for more learning adventures.


Our topic this term is Helping Paddington home.


On Monday 3rd April 2017, we will have a class Trip to the living Rainforest. This will give us the chance to see a real Rainforest and put it into context when we come to learning about them in geography. 


In Maths this term we will be covering a range of subjects such as learning to tell the time and different units of measure.

Our English learning will closely link with our topic learning. We will be learning new drama skills leading onto writing reports and facts files about different South American countries.

In topic we will be learning about these different countries and using our computing skills to write up our fact files. This term children will also be learning about food safety and how to prepare various different South American dishes! ooo Yum!


Why don't you check out our topic web for more information about what we are learning.


We hope you enjoy! 
