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Spring 2: Topsy Turvy Tales

Topsy Turvy Tales

This term we will be looking at Traditional Tales with a Twist! You will notice that all our tales have links to the environment or the food we eat. 

We will discover happened to the giant after Jack climbed down the beanstalk, explore how the Wolf's forest in Little Red Riding Hood is being damaged and find our what happened to the Three Bears before Goldilocks arrived and ate their porridge. 


Below is this term's knowledge organiser and Topic web. 

A pair of giant boots appeared in our classroom. We wondered whose they were because they definitely didn't fit any of us.

We built our own beanstalks out of bricks and shaving foam to get the boots back to the giant.

We cooked magic bean stew to eat, it was very yummy.

We studied the artist William Morris, he was a wallpaper designer who was inspired by nature.

When learning about our environment, we created different insects.

World Book Day 2023

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