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Gazelle - Year 2

  Finishing with a Gold Medal!

So the Olympics have finally arrived and we are all very excited! At the end of Term 5 we thought showered all the different questions we would like to research linking to the Olympics, as well as all the sports that will be included. We had a fun session freeze framing a sport of our choice, in groups for our friends to guess which we had chosen.

We will be learning all about the history of the Olympics and why they are held every four years, where they originated from and which countries compete. We are all very interested to learn about the dedication and training programme of an athlete of Olympic standard and what each sporting competition requires to achieve a Gold medal. We will be taking this thought further learning about previous Gold medals and which ones Great Britain have won and what for. We will then focus on our own aspirations and dreams placing ourselves in the position of an Olympian, writing diary entries and letters home.

This is undoubtedly going to be a busy but exciting term, which we are all looking forward to, but if we work as hard as we did last term we could all be leaving Year 2 with Gold medals of our own!
