All the way back last summer, when I first met the class, the children asked if we could learn about dinosaurs. Our long awaited topic is here! It is going to be a very exciting final term!
In English this term we will be sharing, “Harry and the Dinosaurs at the Museum” by Ian Whybrow, to give us a framework for a story. We are going to the Oxford Museum of Natural History early in the term, to gather our own ideas and build on our dinosaur knowledge, before innovating our very own dinosaur adventure story.
In Design and Technology, we will have at go at some original sculpture, making dinosaur models inspired by our topic and museum trip. And we will link to our class Commonwealth country, Australia, by making a flag and cooking up a local recipe, to support our final term's festivities.
In Computing, we will share our dinosaur facts through an animated book.
Whilst in History, Geography and Science, we will consolidate our questioning skills and knowledge of habitats, continents, food chains and the changing World around us, by looking back at the Mesozoic Era, or “The Age of the Dinosaurs”.
Forest School continues on Thursdays. Group 1 will have weeks 1-3 and Group 2 will have week 4-6.
Gardening club continues this term after school on Tuesdays, to develop and plant our outdoor area.
Art club also continues to run after school on Tuesdays, jointly with and hosted by, Year 2.
For Forest School and Gardening Club, please send children to school with suitable weather-proof clothing - sun cream and sun hat if hot; wellies and waterproof coats if wet. Long sleeves and trousers work best, to protect the children from nettles, insect bites etc.