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School Council

Our School Council is an incredibly useful team of children who help the leadership team run the school. They have made decisions such like:


  • Naming the all the classes after helicopters from the smallest (Squirrel for Reception class) to the largest (Chinook for the Year 6 class)
  • Selecting and designing the playground with professionals from Sovereign PLC
  • Creating the new school dinner menu
  • Deciding which charity to support
  • Selecting play equipment to purchase using money from the PTA
  • Being part of the process to select new staff members to our team

School Councillors also help out on special occasions such as interviews for new members of staff and visits to events being held at the Station e.g. attending the stepping down of the Merlin Standard ceremony, Station Remembrance Parade and other events. 

Our School Councillors are great ambassadors of our school and they do a fabulous job!

