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Gazelle - Year 2

Welcome to Gazelle Class!!


Teacher: Mrs McLauchlan

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Nayacakalou, Mrs Clarke

Lunch duty: Mrs Nayacakalou


We have an exciting year ahead of us in Gazelle Class, with fabulous topics planned to inspire your child’s learning. Updates on our work and activities will be posted here to share at home.


Key information:


Reading: Reading at home alongside the reading we do in school, helps to develop a love of books and reading and gives essential additional practice, whilst increasing your child’s vocabulary confidence. We recommend reading at home, to and with, your child for at least 10 minutes every day. Their Reading Record should be used to reflect the reading you are doing, including of the phonics practice book sent home. This helps to inform our planning to support your child’s reading and exposure to different genres and subjects in class. Please ensure your child’s Reading Record comes to school every day, so that we can record our reading with them and because they have all your child’s logins on the back page.


Spelling: Every child needs to be able to read and spell the Year 2 exception words by the end of the year. We learn and apply these in school and assess them at the end of each term, highlighting known words, to support your practice at home.


Times Tables: In Year 2, we learn our 2x, 5x and 10x tables. Your child is invited to practice at home on TT Rock Stars to support them being confident in these tables. Their login can be found in their Reading Record on the back page. alongside their other logins, all of which can be accessed from home.  


Drink & Snack: Your child should have a water bottle in school every day. We provide a free healthy fruit or vegetable snack in class at morning break. If you prefer to send in your own snack, please ensure it is fruit or vegetable, in line with us being a healthy school.


PE Kits: Please send your child’s full PE kit to school on Monday and it will be sent home on a Friday. Having access to kit throughout the week enables us to accommodate any necessary timetable changes and gives us access to a spare change of clothing which may help your child to be more comfortable through the day, for example if clothes or shoes become wet at playtime. Spare pants, socks and/or tights can also be useful for this. Please check regularly that PE kit is named.

Our PE days will usually be Monday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor).


The Year 2 team are very excited to get started on our learning journey together. We really value the chance to share your thoughts, celebrations and concerns. If it is more than a quick question at school drop-off or collection, please send an email or arrange an appointment through the School Office. If there is an issue that we need to discuss further, the teacher will phone after 3:30pm on the same day wherever possible, using the contact number left with the Office. Thank you.
