Our School Summer Fair is one of the fabulous highlights of our school calendar and this year we have decided to try running the fair after our CAMO day on Friday 21st June at 4pm - 6pm. This hopefully is a better time for our families to attend and also ensures that some of the elements from CAMO day will remain for our Summer Fair - which we think will be really amazing!
We are calling on your generosity to help make the Summer Fair a successful event with some of the areas I have detailed below. If you are able to help with setting up during the afternoon, would like to donate sometime to run a stall or help clear up after the event please pop into the school office and let them know - we would be really grateful.
Without your help we would not be able to raise the much needed funds that help our PTA support school with the 'little extras' that enrich your child's experience with us. Items such as the Scrap Store Playpod and playground equipment, Cross Country Medals and trophies and Young Voices Coaches are just a few of the elements that are funded by our PTA from your support with fundraising.
The Summer Fair is open to all within our community on Camp and with a variety of stalls including games, a BBQ, welly wanging, football competition and Pimms to name just a few, come along with family, friends and colleagues to enjoy a lovely Summer evening within our School community.... we just need to book the weather! We look forward to seeing you there!
Raffle Tickets
You will be receiving some raffle tickets over the next few days. This year we have a top prize of £150 and your help in distributing tickets to family, friends and work colleagues would be much appreciated. There will be spare ticket books in the school office for collection if you need more.
We are also looking for donations of bottles of wine for our very popular 'Wine or Water' stall at our Summer Fair. Please note that only adults should bring the bottles of wine to school and leave them at the school office. Donations of newspapers to wrap them would also be much appreciated! The more wine we have, the more chance people have of winning!
Filled Mugs
We will be hoping to run the successful 'mug tombola' again this year and will need some donations of good condition mugs filled with goodies - sweets, smellies, pencils or anything else creative (please no chocolate as it may melt!). We have planned a 'non-uniform' day on Thursday 20th June in return for bringing in a marvellous mug!
Calling all bakers! We have been very lucky in the past to have a wide range of delicious cakes and biscuits made (or bought!) to be sold at our fair and we would love to see some more again this year. Please can cakes be sent in Thursday and Friday or bring to school during set up after 3pm.