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Station Santa Run - Thursday 6 December

We are sure that you will know that the Station is holding their Winter Wonderland festive celebrations next Thursday and to have a fabulously festive fun start to this event, there will be a Santa Run starting at 1530hrs from the car park near the Station Church.


The Station have invited children, parents and staff of our school to take part in this event and we know that many of our children (and hopefully parents!), especially our cross country runners, will be very keen to take part. Therefore, we are very happy to release children from school early at 1445hrs from the school office so that parents can take children to the car park by the church ready for a prompt start. Should you wish to collect your child early, please complete the form at the link below.




Two of the organisers of this event will be in the school hall on Monday and Tuesday from 3pm to sell adult and children santa suits. Adult suits cost £10 and child suits cost £5. Children not wanting a santa suit but still wanting to take part can accompany their parents with free entry and they will get a free santa hat. There will be a prize for the first adult and first child across the line - will it be you?!


Further details and the map of the course, which is set to go around the sports field, are attached as pictures to this message.


We hope that you are able to support this event which is sponsored by RAFFA. We look forward to seeing you there!
