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School Meals

It is great news that our school meal system is now up and running and thank you firstly for your patience in waiting for the glitches to be ironed out and secondly for those parents for using the system this week.

As from Monday 1st October, the system will be in full use and all parents in Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 who wish their child to have a hot meal must order their child's meal by 11pm the day before allowing the office staff to inform the kitchen of accurate numbers for lunches that day. You can also order food for the whole week in advance. Please do have a chat with your child as to the preference that they have selected so that they are aware of what to expect each day.


From Monday, if your child's name is not on the list for a school meal when printed each morning and you have not provided a packed lunch for your child, we will text you to inform you that you will need to bring a lunch for your child to school by 12pm.


Should you require any immediate help with this system, please do speak to the staff in the office before the end of the day on Friday as they will be really happy to help you.


Thank you for your support and cooperation in this matter.
