As we have a busy last week, we wanted to make sure you were aware of all the events on our calendar so that you are able to attend where possible.
Monday 16 July
9:00am - Year 4 SkillForce Prince William Award Presentations in the hall - All parents welcome - including parents of children in Year 3 to see what they will be doing next year.
2:40pm - Year 5 and 6 Brass Showcase in the hall - come and hear your child play with the whole band of instruments putting those bits of practice at home into context. Everyone welcome!
3:00pm - 5:00pm - End of Year BBQ - This is taking place on the top playground and a chance for parents to have a chat with each other and also to give an opportunity to say farewell to staff who are leaving us at the end of this year. There will be Burgers and Hotdogs on sale for £2 each courtesy of the PTA. We look forward to seeing you there - everyone very welcome!
Tuesday 17 July
Year 5 and 6 End of Year Play in the Hall - Children in the play to be at school for 5:30pm with the play starting at 6:00pm. All welcome to attend.
Wednesday 18 July
2:45pm - Achievement Assembly in the Hall - Final achievements and starts of the week for this school year.
Friday 20 July
2:00pm - Leavers' Assembly in the hall - celebration assembly recognising attendance, long service at our school, children leaving us outside of Year 6, staff leavers and saying a fond farewell to our superstars of this assembly, Year 6. Everyone welcome.