CAMO Day is taking place on Friday 21 June and Sports Day is taking place on Friday 12 July.
There will be no cooked meals on these dates.
Instead the choices will be:
Ham Roll or Cheese Roll
with Cucumber/Carrot Sticks, a piece of Fruit, slice of cake and Bottled Water
If your child would like a packed lunch provided by school on these dates, please remember to book by visiting
The meals will need to be ordered by 11 pm on:
Sunday 16 June for CAMO Day
Sunday 7 July for Sports Day
The packed lunch will be free for children in Reception and KS1 and will cost £2.20 for children in KS2.
Important please note - if you have already booked meals for these dates, your booking has been changed according to your meat or vegetarian choice. If you need to change the order please contact the school office. If you wish to cancel the booking you can do so by visiting