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Teaching Staff

Dear Parents,


You may have been aware last week that we were holding interviews for class teachers to join our team in September. I am pleased to say that we have made two great appointments. I will be able to share names with you once the necessary recruitment checks have been completed.


However with this good news, comes the sad news that we have two members of teaching staff leaving our team at the end of the Summer term; Miss Lee and Mr Hopkinson.


I am sure that you will join me in thanking both Miss Lee and Mr Hopkinson for their hard work with the children and across the school and wishing them both all the very best for the future.


As in previous years, we will notify you of any other staffing changes in the first newsletter after May half term and we will also let you know which year groups staff will be teaching  for the new academic year on the first transition day in July.


Should you have any questions or queries, please do let me know.


Best wishes


Steph Fawdry

