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Use the Force

This term, we will be reading 'Clockwork' by Philip Pullman. 


In Science, we will be learning about different types of force. We will be investigating and explaining the force of gravity. We will also set up investigations, thinking about the different variables, on air resistance, water resistance and friction. Finally, we will explore how some mechanisms, such as levers, allow a smaller force to have a greater effect. 


In Design and Technology, we will be using mechanical systems to create pop-up books. This will include researching what makes existing pop-up books effective. We will then plan our own, considering which types of tools, materials and mechanical systems to use. Next, we will be creating a prototype of our pop-up books and supporting each other in further developing our ideas, which we will apply when making the final version.  


In Geography, we are going to be focussing on Southeast England. This will include researching its climate and food production. We will also develop our skills in using Ordnance Survey maps. Afterwards, we will identify the human and physical features of the local area and present these in different ways.   
