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Term 4- Knights and Castles

What exciting learning are we looking forward to this term?

The children have decided lots of things they want to find out about Knights and castles and the adults in year one are very excited about their ideas. Have a look at the curriculum brochure for more information.

If your child wants to find out more about castles in our local area, don't forget the ruins in Wallingford are free and are a lovely place to go for a walk (and sledge!). Wallingford Museum will open again on March 1st for the new season and has a great model to show how the castle once looked.

Most of you have met Mrs Steele,who is enjoying her last teaching practice with Lynx class, before she becomes newly qualified teacher. We are very lucky to have Mrs Steele for another 5 weeks, so please feel free to approach Mrs Steele as you would any other member of staff, as we are all here for the children and are happy to help if you have any queeries at all.

  If you would like to come in and help, we can always find you a job from reading to filing to playing a game!

We look forward to seeing you in class and in the playground and hopefully at this term's parents' evening.