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Home Learning

Hello Year 2! 


Now that we are not all able to be together, we have put together some activities for you to complete at home so that you can carry on growing your fantastic brains!


Every Monday, we will upload a weekly timetable below, with the tasks we would like you to complete that week. There will be one maths, one English and a topic activity for you each day. Many of these will use our online learning platforms: Purple Mash, Reading Eggs and Mathletics. Please use the login and passwords that are in your reading records to access these. When using Purple Mash remember to save your completed work and then click 'Hand in' so we can see it. 


Due to the fact that lots of children will be using these websites across the country, you may find they become overwhelmed and become slow. Please be patient and try again at another time.


If you still cannot access them or if you would like extra things to do, here are some ideas:


- read a book - reading every day is very important!

- write a diary entry for your day

- practice spelling the 64 common exception words stuck in your reading records

- practice your times tables

- practice telling the time

- learn to tie your shoe laces

- junk modelling

- bake/cook/garden

- live mathletics

- times table rockstars


Specifically for Summer Term 2: 

- create your own storybook or comic of our class book (see the video resource section)

- write a letter from one character to another from our class story

- create a model of your island for topic

- design and write an explanation of a flag for your island

- create a map of your island using a coordinate grid and write coordinates of different places

- write a set of laws for your island




We are really going to miss seeing your smiley faces every day, and so we would love to see what you are doing at home. If you would like to share any of your home learning with us, please post it on our Purple Mash blog.  Please use the email below for any queries you may have:


Finally and most importantly - stay safe, look after each other, don't drive your parents mad and SMILE! smiley


We hope to see you soon!


From Miss Galvin and Mrs Hastings



Gazelle Class Superstars!

Still image for this video

Gazelle Class VE Day Celebrations.mp4

Still image for this video

What a Wonderful World.mp4

Still image for this video