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Spring 1: Exciting Explorers on Amazing Adventures

Exciting Explorers on Amazing Adventures

This term we will be looking at different ways to travel.

We will be visited by aliens, train to be astronauts, study historical forms of travel, compare Vincent Van Gogh's travel artworks and much more. 

Below is this term's knowledge organiser. A knowledge organiser shows the key facts and knowledge that relate to our topic for this term. Every term, we have a new knowledge organiser.

Below is this terms Topic Web. A Topic Web shows what we will be doing in each area of learning. Every term, we will have a new Topic Web.

We were very excited when a red alien egg with silver spots appeared in our classroom. The next day it hatched!

After the alien egg hatched, we drew what we thought the alien might look like as construction plans. We used these plans to build the alien in the brick area.

The Alien left slime all over the classroom, we loved exploring how it felt.

We designed and then built traps to capture the alien.

The alien didn't get captured in one of our traps but it did leave us a book. The book was called Aliens Love Underpants and the classroom was full of underpants! We created 3 designs and then chose our favourite to make for the alien.

We thought that the alien might need a rocket to get back home. We experimented with balloons and straws to see ways we could power our rockets. Click on the video to see what happened

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A spaceship appeared hovering over our playground, we knew it was time to launch our rockets to send the alien home. Click on the video.

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We quickly grabbed our rockets and headed outside.

5,4,3,2,1 Blast off, we loved sending the alien back to space.

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