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Raging Romans


Our topic this term is RAGING ROMANS. We will start by studying how the Romans continue to affect our lives to this day. We will cover topics such as roads, religion and money before looking in more depth at the Roman army and its presence in Britain.  After this, we will study the Boudicca rebellion and the fall of the Roman Empire. Throughout our topic, we will continue to reinforce our knowledge of timelines and dates with particular focus on the difference between BC and AD.


This half terms topic is States of Matter. We will be learning about the different states of matter; gas, liquid and solid. We will cover how to identify these and what their particle make up is. After this, we will move onto looking at how temperature affects a materials state and how this links to processes in the natural world. Throughout our science lessons children will continue to develop their skills in observation and recording through a range of scientific investigations. 

Other information

This term we will be learning Music and R.E on a Thursday afternoon.

Our P.E lessons will continue to be on a Monday (Netball) and a Wednesday (Dance). 

We will visit and change books in the library on a Wednesday.
