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Squirrel - Reception

Welcome back to the last term of this school year, we really can't believe it! But time does indeed fly when you are having fun! This term will be very busy... We say this at the start of every new term, but we have loads going on such as our trip to Beale Park, Camo Day, Sports Day, Tennis Day and our Summer Fair.



Our topic this term is Water Wonders and we will be looking forward to our Summer holidays and trips to the seaside. We have transformed last term's Minibeast Lab into an Ice-Cream Parlour and we are eagerly awaiting a Yellow Submarine to take pride of place under our Spitfire that celebrated our RAF 100 topic. Outside we have made lots of exciting developments such as a willow tee-pee and hedge, a fairy garden, gravel pit and some den building equipment, we hope you enjoyed seeing these during your visits last term. We are always on the look out for equipment that will help us enhance the childrens' learning so if you have anything you think we could use, please let us know.

We will be learning seaside poems and songs and reading stories with a watery theme. We will consolidate our learning of shape and numbers through problem solving activities. We will also learn more about written methods in preparation for Year 1.

Have a look at our Topic Web for more detail.



We hope you have enjoyed sharing the achievements your children have made when they bring the dinosaurs home.



From Wednesday 13th June Squirrel Classes will be joining Achievement Assembly. This is held weekly at 2.45pm in the school hall. Everyone is welcome. Please look out for invitations in book bags.


Morning Playtime

We are very pleased to join the rest of the school on the playground every morning between 10.45 and 11 am.



We are delighted that so many of you are supporting your child's education by listening to them read at home. We are very proud of Squirrel Classes for how often they read at home and Mrs Fawdry can hardly keep up with the demands on her special stickers! Please keep it up and thank you so much for everything you do at home.

We cannot stress what an enormous difference this makes to the progress children make in ALL areas of the curriculum, both now and in years to come.

Please date and initial in the Reading Record Book and write a brief comment. The Reading Records are checked and books changed on a daily basis.



P.E will be taught on Wednesdays (see Summer timetable). Please ensure your child has the appropriate kit at school with everything named. We are currently working on the skills we need for Sports Day.



You are always welcome to come in for a chat to any of our Reception/ EYFS team.

Just to remind you...

Red Squirrels -

Miss Lee is the class teacher.

Mrs Kinvig is the teaching assistant.


Blue Squirrels -

Mrs White is the teacher.

Mrs Richards is the teaching assistant.



With all the lovely warm weather we have had recently, it is absolutely essential that your child has a water bottle and hat at school every day, both of these should be named. 

We ask that your child has clean underwear and socks or tights in school at all times as we have no spare underwear at school. From time to time children this age may have a need to change into dry clothes.


Although the weather is dry, our Mud Kitchen isn't! Please make sure your child has wellies at school.




Thank you all so much for supporting our WOW board. It could really do with a little updating. We know you do amazing things at home so please do share them.

We hear so many exciting things from the children that it would be lovely to share them. It may be a photo, a note, a drawing or picture- whatever you like. Perhaps your child has built a model, helped at home, visited someone or something, walked the dog, collected some sticks or stones...anything they have enjoyed. You can put it on a balloon and we will display it in school.

Please do not think this needs to be every week, just now and again would be wonderful.

Thank you. 


Thank you very much for your ongoing support.




Our Trip to Beale Park

Our First Week at RAF Benson Community Primary School
