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Roaming Romans

The Roaming Romans


We have an exciting term ahead of us, where we will be learning all about the Roman invasion of Britain and considering the question:


What impact did the Roman invasion have on Britain?


In Puma class we will be looking at timelines and maps of the Roman Empire, finding out all about the Roman army, discovering who Boudica was and what legacies the Romans have left behind. 

We have a fantastic experience planned at the Hill End Centre, where children will be immersed in Roman and Celtic culture before facing each other in a final battle!


Watch out!! Children will become Roman consultants, designing, developing and creating their own catapults before testing and evaluating them to see which are the most successful and why. 



Linked to our Roman topic, our English text this term will be 'Queen Boudica's Secret Diary'.

Through this children will learn about diary recounts and how they can be used as a narrative to tell a story from a particular point of view. 

We will also be learning about playscripts and writing our own for our class assembly. 


Children will even be learning the Roman Numerals to 12 in maths! 


Check back here to see some of our learning and to find out when our class assembly will be! 




