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Squirrel - Reception


frown Welcome to Reception Class - our class is called Squirrel frown


Hello Parents/Carers - Welcome back to Term 6! 



Sadly, we are welcoming you to our last term together! coolcoolcool However, it's going to be a good one! 


We want to take this opportunity to say a huge well done to all the children in Squirrel Class for their hard work and amazing progress that they have made. Also a huge thank you to all of you at home for your continued encouragement and support.


This Term's topic is about the Olympics and the host country Brazil. Hence, if you could have any discussions about the 2012 Olympics (perhaps your own experiences of it) or the upcoming Olympics this would be a great way to support your child's learning. 


As the Olympics/our topic is centered around sport we will be creating opportunities for the children to excel in their physical development. Hence, P.E. kits, water bottles, sun-hats and sun-cream in school each day will be beneficial for them and much appreciated by us. 


As you may have noticed our role-play area has moved to the outdoor learning area and is a gym! Again, if there are any healthy living conversations that can take place at home these will all help to support your child.

