Home Page

Apache - Year 4

Welcome to Apache Class


Your teacher this year is Miss Clay and teaching assistant is Mrs Davies.


We are excited to welcome you to Apache Class and look forward to the year ahead. We have exciting topics and activities planned to support your learning.

We will be updating our class page throughout the term so check back to see what we have been up to!


Key information



We recommend reading at home for at least 10-15 minutes per day and a parent/carer to mark this in your reading record. This way, if you are having difficulties, we know how to help you. We read in class too, so please make sure reading records and books are in your bag each day. Our expectation is that you will read daily at home and this will be signed in your reading record. 


Drink and Snack

Please bring a named water bottle in every day and a healthy snack for break time (fruit, cheese, yogurt). There is no Tuck Shop operating at present. Please ensure that your snacks are nut-free.



Please bring in a full PE kit including outdoor PE shoes on a Monday morning and take everything home again on a Friday afternoon to be washed. PE and physical activities can sometimes change days so kits are to stay in all week.



Homework will not be formally set, however, it would be beneficial if you are able to practice spellings and times tables at home. The Year 4 spellings can be found in the middle of your reading record. Also, as mentioned, reading daily for at least 10 minutes is recommended.


If there is anything you would like to discuss further or if you have any questions or queries, please book an appointment to see Miss Clay. Alternatively, you can contact us through the school office or speak with us at the start or end of the school day. 
