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Britain at War

Some highlights from Autumn 1


This term in English we read, ‘Once’ by Morris Gleitzman. We based our writing from this fantastic novel including letters, diaries, narrative and a book review. We also used the book to support us in our grammar teaching.

Spectauclar English

In Maths, we have been working on improving our arithmetic skills as well as our understanding of place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as starting to learn about all things fractions!


In Science we have been learning about light and have conducted many experiments. See pictures for our investigation on shadows and making light change direction with mirrors.

Science pictures

In History we have been learning all about WW2. Chinook class were incredibly mature when dealing with sensitive topics and showed fantastic understanding and knowledge throughout the topic. We celebrated our learning with an assembly to KS2 and our parents.

In DT, inspired by the 'Make Do and Mend' campaign from the Second World War we created our own hand puppets out of scrap materials. You can now come to us for any of your basic sewing needs.


In PE, we have been working on our teamwork and co-operation skills in both Netball and Gymnastics. We have learnt many new terms in both sports from pivot to unison. See a glimpse of what we have been doing in our lessons below:
